We transcend all limits, boundaries, and language, recognizing the entire globe of being—a bridge between levels of consciousness, aware of being itself. I embody the constant sifter, sorter, and gleaner, prowling for overlooked materials discovered within the pages of second-hand books and materials found on walks or in the waters I explore.

The ritual of collecting becomes a source of equilibrium in my practice, offering a psychological sanctuary where I assert control over a world that otherwise spins beyond my influence. It's a complete withdrawal into fantasy, a creation of spaces born from the elation found in discovering new worlds or creating new ones of my own. I discover these alternate spheres within a single drop of water through my microscope. These microscopic revelations, glimpses into a world unseen, propel me into a slowed time, where I witness the interconnectedness of our surroundings.

The potential for sentient lifeforms elsewhere, the sacredness of ritual, and the existence of a cosmic consciousness awaiting discovery guide the evolution of my artistic narrative. My process becomes a dance with the unseen, a harmonious collaboration between the observed and the observer, as I continue to create meaning and myths from the raw material of existence.